Somewhere out there, there's a homecoming picture of me and this bride where I have a Backstreet Boys style haircut and the posture of a melting piece of cheese. Yes, Gina and I go way back (we went to to Homecoming together as friends back when I was 16, if I find the picture, I promise I'll upload it). Michael and I have gotten to know each other a bit, if not sporadically over the past few years. I know this much: the man is funny and he likes whiskey. All good things in my book.
Beautiful day at North Glade Inn for a wedding. Music was a big part of the day, as I knew it would be. Gina has played in several different bands and all her friends are super talented. Records were signed instead of a guest book. Very very cool.
I could go on an on about Gina's birdcage wedding veil or Michael's sharp tux but instead I will present the photos below. Stylish in a way that fit them perfectly.
UPDATE - Found the photo.